The Raver-Covington No. 1 Conductor Replacement Project

Section 106 of the NHPA | King County, WA

Bonneville Power Adminstration (BPA) sought to replace obsolete line conductors for The Raver-Covington No. 1 Conductor Replacement Project. CRC’s background research identified two previously recorded historic-era archaeological sites that intersected the project. Subsequent field investigations consisted of pedestrian survey and subsurface testing in high probability areas to determine if as-yet unrecorded cultural resources were present in the project boundaries. Locations of all fieldwork were recorded with a GPS and processed as shapefiles for incorporation into BPA’s GIS database. One historic site, a railroad spur, was recorded, but was not proposed to be altered by the project. CRC’s assessment determined that the project was not expected to affect any of the significant characteristics of the NRHP-eligible Raver-Covington No. 1 Transmission Line or other lines in the project area, and the previously recorded historic-era archaeological sites did not meet NRHP eligibility criteria. A determination of no effects to historic properties was recommended.